I know that January is generally not that popular, but I think it’s much maligned. I admit that it’s not the glitziest time of year and it definitely suffers when compared with its flashy predecessor. January is to December as a sensible pair of walking shoes is to a glittery party dress, but there is a time for hanging up that glittery dress and reaching for those walking shoes with relief.
Essentially, you can have enough of excess. Don’t get me wrong, I’m actually quite a fan of excess and throughout December I happily over-indulge in mulled wine, mince pies and schmaltzy old Christmas songs. However, it gets to the point where it all just seems a bit, well, excessive. Although it’s lovely to see everyone you’ve ever met in the space of just 2 weeks, it is quite nice, once the new year arrives, to have a bit of breathing space and just close the door, ignore the phone and sit quietly reading a book or catching up on all the TV that you didn’t have the chance to watch over Christmas.
I’m not sure if I have secret Puritan tendencies (well concealed up till now) or if I’m just a creature of routine, but it’s with relief that I go back to eating only three meals a day containing moderate amounts of things that are fairly good for me and occasionally prising myself off the sofa to take some sort of exercise. And the house seems so orderly. I love Christmas decorations and it is a wrench when they all have to come down, especially the lights, which look so optimistic in the dark days of winter. But when they’re gone I survey the resulting order with great satisfaction. It makes me feel like I’ve regained control after a time of chaos.
However, excess can take many forms and excessive self-denial and self-discipline is one. Or maybe two. Why are people expected to lose weight, give up alcohol, apply for a new job and train for a marathon once January arrives? Surely people should be left alone to do what creatures naturally do in January, which is hibernate. Then we can emerge in February, better for a long rest and vaguely looking for signs of spring. With any luck all the fitness and lifestyle gurus will have worn themselves out by then, leaving everyone else to continue with their daily lives, serene and unscathed.