It turns out that a state of torpor is harder to maintain than I had imagined. I thought that a bit of semi-hibernation in January would be easy enough – squirrels seem to manage it without much problem, although how would anyone know? Maybe after a day or two those squirrels are thinking that they’ve…
Of gratitude, podcasts and bling
I was just reading one of those articles that pop up at this time of year with celebrities telling us all the things they’re grateful for, which naturally got me thinking. Mostly right now I’m just grateful that it’s not last Christmas. I think we need a word to express a strong desire not to…
The Happiness Manifesto
Long long ago in those far-off days when pandemics were confined to the big screen, David Cameron announced that Britain’s progress should be measured not just by financial growth, but also by the nation’s happiness, which is quite a brave statement from a Conservative Prime Minister. In 2010 he asked the Office of National Statistics…
Don’t worry – the environment is safe in my hands
I decided to follow my own advice from last week’s blog and rent a Christmas tree this year rather than buying one. The way it works (I gather) is that you visit the farm, admire the lovely trees all potted up ready, choose one, pay for it and then they deliver it to your house….
Both a borrower and a lender be
I wonder if we in the west are heading towards the post-consumption age? I have always objected to being referred to as a consumer – it reduces our humanity somewhat to be viewed as simply a creature that devours things. Much has changed in the past few years and rabid consumption is now frowned on…
My week of living Covidly
I suppose it was inevitable that Covid would catch up with me in the end – I haven’t exactly been hiding myself away at home. Fortunately, I had a mild case and in different, non-pandemic, times I’d just have dismissed it as a cold. In fact, it was mostly inconvenient and involved a surprising amount…
Along the silk road and up the ivory tower
I’ve been wondering about the expression “ivory tower”. Where did it come from and why are academics supposedly living in one, far removed from normal life? It doesn’t sound very comfortable and it’s definitely not elephant-friendly. I’ve looked it up and it comes from the Bible, Song of Solomon 7:4: Thy neck is as a…
This is not a blog
There is a widely held theory that bacon is just about irresistible and that it is the downfall of many vegetarians. People of the Muslim and Jewish faiths seem to get along without it very well and I don’t recall seeing much pork at all in India, let alone bacon. This bacon fandom must be…
No filter
I can’t deny that ageing has its downsides, but I like to comfort myself with the thought that it probably has its upsides too. Advancing age is supposed to bring increased understanding, knowledge and wisdom, but I’m not entirely convinced. I do know how to make a white sauce and where the stopcock is, so…
The joy of being somewhere else
I can hardly believe that this time last week I was in Italy – eating delicious food, strolling through olive groves and clambering down Matera’s spectacular gorge. When the pandemic started, I was convinced it would all be over in six months and we’d look back on it as a strange and frightening time. I…