I would not consider myself to be an early adopter, although I’m not against technology by any means. In fact, I’m a big fan. Many years ago I convinced my husband, who was an IT professional and understandably didn’t want to bring his work home, that we needed the internet so that I could email…
Do pirates need a summer wardrobe?
Some people might disagree, but I think that wanting to dress like a pirate is a natural human instinct. Perhaps even a right. Who doesn’t want to wear a tricorn hat and swagger around with a cutlass? Hastings was full of pirate wannabes last week and naturally I was there. I’m not a big party…
Keep on keeping up
We are endlessly bombarded with advice on how to remain youthful. Speaking solely for myself, I think that ship has sailed. However, I can’t deny that I’m aiming to keep the best mental and physical health I can for as long as possible, so I do pay attention to advice from convincing sources, especially if…
My brain’s gone to Ibiza
My wonderfully ludicrous wide-legged jeans enjoyed their first outing last night. It’s not that I was building up the courage to wear them in public, you understand, I was just waiting for the right occasion. I was having supper with some friends who I knew would appreciate their true vintage style and not burst out…
I have fought against my better judgement…
Sometimes I wonder if we’re little more than the sum total of all our likes and dislikes. If that’s the case, it would explain why we doggedly hang onto our preferences even if we no longer prefer them. For instance, it took me years to realise that I don’t actually like wine. I’ve been drinking…
WLTM hopeless and selfish family
I do love those emails that arrive from very rich people living abroad who are anxious to transfer a portion of their huge wealth to me. I’m full of admiration for their creative background stories and charmed by their idiosyncratic use of the English language. And naturally I’m flattered that I’m the chosen one.
The Common Sense Committee is now in session
We all know that feeling of disbelief: yet another study is reported with results so obvious that a four-year-old and its pet cat could have held a quick consultation and come to the same conclusions. However, I do have sympathy for both the researchers who’ve conducted the study and the media outlet that publishes it….
Venturing out
Such excitement: last weekend we got on an inter-city train and went to Birmingham, travelling 106 miles from home! That’s the furthest we’ve been in nearly a year. We stayed in a hotel for the first time since last March and I was feeling both excited and nervous about the whole thing. It had been…
Growing older by stealth
It has struck me recently that age creeps up on you without your knowledge and certainly without your permission. In fact, I have just increased the magnification of this page by 10% because it was all looking a bit impressionistic. Ten per cent here, ten per cent there and before you know it you’re looking…
Hay days
The good news is that the Hay Literary Festival has just started, but the not-such-good news is that it’s online for the second year in a row. Online has many advantages – think of all the people who can now watch the events if they choose, while before it was limited to those who could…